It's 09:36:13 5 listeners (7 in peak):   Weee! - Zap't'Balls (Dr… Weee! - Zap't'Balls (Dream W…

7 | Alain Massoumipour
Alain Massoumipour

Also known as: Poum

in Neuilly sur Seine

Has no chart hit yet on RolandRadio. Rate Alain Massoumipour's titles!
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Poum (Alain Massoumipour) was a regular editor in the famous french commercial CPC magazine Amstrad Cent Pour Cent which published 49 issues, the last one at the end of 1993. Poum was also a programmer and musician. He often wrote types-ins published in the magazine such as SOS 100%, a game. He was known for his series of articles about how to make an adventure game. Then he published an adventure game called L'ile. In the early 90's he programmed Equinoxe a soundtracker published by Ubi Soft. Now retired from the active CPC world, he sometimes comes to CPC meetings near Paris.

Some random productions for which Alain Massoumipour wrote the music

SOS 100 Pour 100
SOS 100 Pour 100
SOS 100 Pour 100

Jingles Alain Massoumipour did for RolandRadio

We have no jingles of Alain Massoumipour yet. Get in contact and ask to do some!

We have 7 titles of Alain Massoumipour

The total playing time of all Alain Massoumipour titles is 00:12:06.
Due to the low total playing time of less than one hour and thirty minutes, no artist-only show is possible yet.

# RRID Rating Last played Artist Title Duration
1 11197
2025-03-16 01:23:42 Alain Massoumipour European Meeting Demo (Part 2) 00:03:13 528
2 11198
2025-03-15 09:46:26 Alain Massoumipour L'ile 00:03:38 610
3 13888
2025-03-16 06:18:50 Alain Massoumipour L'ile (Introduction) 00:02:06 1776
4 11199
2025-03-14 00:43:01 Alain Massoumipour SOS 100 Pour 100 (Game Over) 00:00:38 554
5 11200
2025-03-14 10:44:48 Alain Massoumipour SOS 100 Pour 100 (Ingame) 00:00:37 578
6 11201
2025-03-07 14:42:17 Alain Massoumipour SOS 100 Pour 100 (Title) 00:00:48 792
7 11202
2025-03-13 16:10:42 Alain Massoumipour War Space 00:01:06 656
Total duration: 00:12:06  
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